Welcome to NOFFC
New Orleans Fly Fishers Club, is a non-profit corporation established in 1984 by Ted Cabali and Tom Jindra to bring together and serve the recreational fly fishing community of the New Orleans area. Since our inception, we have met to have fun talking about our shared interest of fly fishing and fly tying.
Sites of Interest
FFI Gulf Coast Council
FFI Fly Tying Group
NOAA Tides
GCC Native Flies
Acadiana Fly Rodders
Kisatchie Fly Fishers
Ocean Springs Saltwater Fly Fishing Club (HOSSFLy)
Eastern Shore Fly Fishers
Red Stick Fly Fishers
Louisiana Fly Fishing
Bayou Coast Kayak Fishing Club
Louisiana Sportsman Magazine
WindFinder Weather, Tides & More

NOFFC is a proud member of Fly Fishers International, as well as many other notable outdoor organizations!
We strive to educate our members and the general public in all aspects of the sport, and to promote conservation in southeast Louisiana both at our program meetings and participation in outdoor sporting events, such as the City Park Big Bass Rodeo, Louisiana Sportsman's Show.

While fly fishing is the primary bond between the members, many other interests are discovered while socializing at the many activities the club coordinates. In fact, a good number of individuals have become and stayed friends for decades after meeting through NOFFC.